3 tips on baby mattresses
If you are looking for a good mattress for your baby, you may be confused by the large number of baby mattress on the market and by their features.
In this article we want to give you some tips to help you in the choice of the right mattress for your child.
The 3 features of baby mattresses
Among the most important features of the baby mattresses we definitely identify these 3: safety, size and washability. For each of these features we’ll give you a specific advice.
The safety of baby mattresses
The safety of the mattress is linked to the concept of anti-suffocation. The Baby Mattress by Manifattura Falomo are made of a highly breathable material called Solotex™.
The presence of Solotex™ in the baby mattresses of the Solo Baby line allows your baby to have a correct respiration (anti-suffocation) even if the baby would sleep on the stomach.
The sizes of baby mattresses
The baby mattress may be classified in many categories depending on their sizes. Manifattura Falomo produces baby mattress with standard or custom sizes.
For any information about the baby mattresses with custom sizes, please contact us by the contact section on our website.
Washability of a baby mattress
One very important feature for the reliability of the baby mattress is its complete washability, because allows you to have always a new and hygienically impeccable mattress.
The Solo Baby mattresses line are completely removable and machine-washable, that means you can wash them in the washing machine at 90°C and also the mattress itself, because it’s made of Solotex™.
Manifattura Falomo and baby mattresses
Manifattura Falomo has understood by many years the importance of a quality sleep, especially during the first years of life. For this reason we have decided to make the baby mattresses Solo Baby lines, and we invite you to test them in person with your child. Contact us now to find the closest mattress dealer!