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Cool pillow and mattress? Discover our Memory Fresh Blue products!

With the summer heat setting in, sleeping at night can become a real challenge. But here’s the solution: a Memory Fresh Blue mattress and pillow! As temperatures rise, the secret to a good night’s sleep is choosing the right items for your bedroom. Let’s find out which ones!

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How to clean pillows for an enjoyable sleep? Don’t miss 4 tips!

When tidying up our bed, we often focus on bed sheets and blankets, forgetting other essential items: the pillows! Discover the secrets to keeping your pillow clean and hygienic at all times!

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Anti-aging pillow? Start taking care of your skin!

Did you ever happen to wake up in the morning with unpleasant “fine lines” on your face? These marks are called sleep wrinkles and can turn into true aging signs over time. Fortunately, the so-called beauty pillow is an ally in the fight against skin aging! Find out all the benefits and how it can

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Sun: the unconventional cervical pillow

Choosing the right pillow plays a fundamental role when you’re looking for a good night’s rest, especially if you live with neck pain. But what kind of pillow should we choose to guarantee ourselves proper sleep? Let’s find out together!

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Pillow between knees? Change the way you sleep!

Sleep is an activity that takes up a truly remarkable amount of time in our life. Proper sleep is of fundamental importance at all ages as it offers us mental relaxation and total physical regeneration. But how can we sleep well when we tend to suffer from back pain? Find out in our article!

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At what age should children use a pillow?

A question new parents often ask themselves is: how many months should my child be before starting to use a pillow to sleep? Pediatricians and the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggest not to use a pillow before 18-24 months as it may cause problems to the baby during naps or at night. Find out

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Find the right pillow for you thanks to our online configurator!

Stiff neck, back pain, sleepless nights? Perhaps the fault can be given to a pillow which is not suitable for your specific physical characteristics! Never underestimate the purchase of a pillow, a fundamental element of a truly optimal bed system! Discover now our online configurator that allows you to easily find the pillow that best

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Dream Blue: The Innovative Pillow By Manifattura Falomo!

We are pleased to introduce you the latest and innovative Dream Blue pillows! Extraordinary ergonomic, high transpiring, and comfortable! Learn more about Dream Blue!

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VOYAGER: The Travel Pillow!

Which is the most common cause of neck pain? It’s the wrong position of the neck during the sleep: In fact it’s often compromised by the muscle tension of neck, that cause cramps, joint pain, and headaches. An appropriate pillow should support the head without compromising the neck and the cervical spine. The laboratories of

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Are You Looking For an Innovative Pillow? Here Is the New Adjustable Memory Pillow.

Would you like a natural sleep and the possibility to vary the height of your pillow? Are you afraid of making mistakes when you bought a pillow? In this case don’t miss this article, where you will learn the innovative adjustable pillow made of soy polymers for a natural and eco-friendly sleep!

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