12 scientifically proven tips for better sleep!
A quality sleep is your source of vitality and well-being: Find out how the science can help you to improve your rest and then your life!
In this article we have listed the 12 (simple) scientifically approved tips to get a quality sleep and, as a consequence, to live better when you are “awake”.
1. Use the 90-minute rule
When we sleep our brain follows sleep cycles that last about 90 minutes. This means that our awakening will be easier and more natural if it is set up at the end of one of these sleep cycles: for example if you are waking up at 7 o’Clock, you should go to sleep at 10 P.M. or 11:30 P.M.
2. Have a nap between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
It’s during this lapse of time that our level of attention and wakefulness goes down dramatically and later goes up again: if you can, spend this time to give yourself a power nap during the afternoon to recharge your body and mind!
3. Drink a coffee before the power nap
Another tip to recharge after lunch is drinking a coffee just before to take a short nap: the caffeine in fact needs about 20 minutes to give its effects, the time required for a “power nap”.
4. Avoid screen at least 1 hour before bedtime
The researches have shown that the artificial light of screen can compromise the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-awake cycles: this is why you should switch off television, smartphone, tablet, and laptop at least 1 hour before going to bed.
5. Wear socks at night if you are sensitive to cold
It can happens (especially for the ladies!) to awake during the night because of cold feet, due to bad blood circulation that tends to not heat well the ends of our body. In this case wear a pair of socks during the night and you’ll not wake up (not even your partner) because of cold feet!
6. Take a hot bath before going to sleep
A hot bath (or shower) is an excellent way to relax and induce sleep.
7. Don’t take your worries to bed!
Stress is the main cause of sleep disorders; several researches have shown that speaking about our problems, or writing them down on a diary, can help our brain relax.
8. Use your bed only for sleep
The bedroom must be our relaxing place and it’s better to keep televisions or computers out. If you are a student, it’s preferable if you don’t use your bedroom for studying.
9. Find out how much sleep you need!
Do you want to figure out how many hours of sleep your body really needs? Set your alarm at a specific time, for example 7 o’clock in the morning, that you have to observe every day (weekends included) for at least 2 weeks, no exceptions.
Your body set up itself according to this awakening time and at evening will send you unequivocal signals that it’s time to go to bed!
10. Try aromatherapy
A research published by the Wall Street Journal shown that the use of aromatherapy bring benefits on sleep: In fact the volunteers, whose clothes were “flavored” with some drops of lavender, have improved their sleep quality.
11. Get spoiled with Sweet Notes
In our recent article, we’ve already shown you the amazing benefits of music on sleep (learn more about it here): it’s scientifically proven that some natural and relaxing sounds and music help find better sleep.
12. Sleep on a bed system that satisfies your needs
Lying for hours on a mattress that doesn’t match our physical characteristics compromise our rest and then the quality of our life.