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Latex allergy? It’s not what you think

The expression “latex allergy” is not objective because it’s actually only natural latex that triggers the allergy.

Allergy to natural latex, not latex

Media have many times distorted the terms of the problem by talking about latex allergy instead of natural latex allergy, as it actually is.

Allergy to natural latex is undoubtedly no small problem. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide some clarity. Let’s start with the basics.

What is natural latex?

Natural latex is made from the rubber tree sap, the protein that can cause an immune reaction. This phenomenon happens only in particularly sensitive people.

To eliminate alIergens, there are 2 effective ways to intervene:

On the raw material;
On subsequent processing.

There is no allergen in synthetic latex!

Because the allergen is found only in natural latex protein, synthetic latex does not create any problems.

Who suffers from latex allergy?

About 1% of people are allergic to natural latex. Those most affected are those in the medical field, while children can be affected through teats, pacifiers, or balloons.

Allergy manifestations and symptoms

The allergic reaction is triggered either through direct skin contact or by inhalation of the allergenic particles.

Mattresses have a mix of natural + synthetic latex

First, we must consider that latex mattresses never contain 100% natural latex but a mixture of natural and synthetic latex.

The reaction is triggered by direct contact with our skin

Moreover, allergy is triggered only by direct contact, which is not the case in mattresses because the latex core has a cover and padding, which eliminates any possibility of contact with allergenic particles.

Our advice

So far, there have been no cases of latex allergies due to the use of latex mattresses. Not only that, there are latex mattresses on the market that do not contain latex proteins. Falomo specialized stores are aware of products that contain natural latex in order to provide targeted advice to customers.

Find out your nearest store now to get advice from a specialist retailer!

Written by Manifattura Falomo - Marketing Department
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