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Privacy policy “Contacts”

Information concerning the processing of personal data

Manifattura Falomo Srl, with registered office in Morsano al Tagliamento (PN), Via Feletti n. 21, e-mail address, is the holder of personal details (hereinafter “Holder”), and issues the following information to the User in compliance with European and Italian legislation concerning the protection of personal data. 

This information integrates the website’s navigation policy in order to inform the User on how the Holder will specifically handle any data entered in this contact form: we, therefore, invite you to view our privacy policy

Purposes of data processing and legal basis

The Holder processes personal data for several purposes:

  1. reply to requests forwarded through this form, for example, to obtain information on products or services (including sending the brochure, the catalog and/or other company information material), to receive a quote, etc.: in this case consent is not required as the processing is necessary for replying the before-mentioned requests;
  2. use the interested party’s e-mail address to forward marketing communications containing information regarding products or services, as well as advertisements or invitations to events in which the Holder will join: for this purpose consent is required.

Data storage period

The Holder intends to process data according to the following temporal criteria:

  • if information is demanded, we will process data for the time necessary to provide an answer; however, if a quote is demanded, data will be processed for a maximum time equal twice the period of effectiveness of the proposal, except for the further conservation for the time necessary for the definition (however reached) of any disputes that may have arisen;
  • any data provided to allow the Owner to carry out the aforementioned marketing communications will be kept for twenty-four months from the moment of consent unless early withdrawal.

The conferment of data and consequences in case of refusal

The conferment of data for the purposes referred to in point 1) is required and therefore any refusal to provide them in whole or in part may make it impossible for the Holder to pursue the aforementioned purposes. The conferment for further purposes is optional: in the absence of approval for further purposes, the Holder will not be able to carry out the corresponding activities but will still be entitled to pursue the purposes referred to in point 1).

Categories of recipients

The Holder will not disclose data, which will be communicated exclusively to internal figures authorized to process data according to their assigned tasks, as well as to salesmen, credit institutions, credit insurance companies, debt collection agencies, commercial information companies, consultant agencies for associations and/or business organizations, professionals or service companies, and public and private bodies, also following inspections and verifications.

In the event that these recipients process data on behalf of the Holder, they will be appointed as data controllers through a specific contract or other legal act.

Data transfer to a third country and/or an international organization

Personal data will not normally be transferred to non-European third countries nor to international organizations. For the pursuit of the purposes referred to in point 2), the Holder uses a platform located in Australia: however, the supplier is bound by contractual clauses, which the European Commission has deemed to guarantee adequate security measures.

Rights of interested parties

The interested party has the right to ask the Holder to access personal data and rectify them if incorrect, delete them or limit their use if conditions are met, to oppose their treatment for legitimate interests pursued by the Holder, and to obtain data portability of personally provided data only if subject to automatic processing based on consent or contract. The interested party also has the right to revoke the consent given for processing purposes that require it, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out until the time of revocation.

In order to exercise his rights, the interested party can use the form available here and forward it to the Owner at the following address: The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (

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